Questions and answers
We offer marking services for roads, car parks, industrial areas, sports fields, etc. to provide clear guidance to drivers and pedestrians.
Each company and trade has its own specificities: (standards, administrative obligations...) it is advisable to call upon a specialist IVS advisor who will be able to assist you in equipping your structure. This one establishes with you a security audit: number of zones to be protected, number of opening detectors, position of the alarm, video surveillance, installation of an opacifying fog system. Once the solution is validated with you, our technicians install your equipment (under the supervision of your IVS advisor).
In the event of an intrusion, the remote surveillance operator triggers the procedure to remove the doubt. The alarm code must be provided. If this is not the case, a security guard will move around and if he notices a break-in, the police are immediately notified.
Thanks to its recruitment and training policies that meet Swiss standards, IVS offers you proven skills in security and guarding. In addition, IVS personnel enjoy an undeniable advantage over all its competitors, namely their acclimatization to the specific organization of the site and to the growing demands of its clientele.
Our security agents have a security agent card issued by DSES.
Our company is subject to the concordat of security companies.
It is a fact that in some areas, properties without burglar alarms are more likely to be the target of a burglary. The enemy of all burglars is to be disturbed or detected. The IVS alarm system detects intrusion attempts, not only at a door or window frame protected by locks, but also over the entire surface of a window pane, without the installation of additional sensors. When an intrusion attempt is detected, the Red Alert alarm instantly triggers a powerful siren that burglars cannot deactivate. In 95% when the intruder hears a siren, he flees before the intrusion.
Our service guarantees that all the means at your disposal are functional to deter burglars.